Let Your Food Be Your Medicine. – Hippocrates
In line with the famous quote by Hippocrates, the Women’s Empowerment Foundation organized a teleconference on the topic of ‘Diabetes Management through Nutrition and Diet’ on 3/21/2020.
Diabetes is a chronic, debilitating health condition affecting scores of people worldwide, especially those of South Asian origin. The goal of this teleconference was to dispel myths surrounding diabetes, offer nutritional guidelines to manage the condition, and to explain food groups and portion control.
Nutritional experts, Sandeep Kaur, RD, CDE and Neha Bomb, MSc, RDN, offered some very important tips and knowledge backed by science – to combat diabetes and its associated cardiovascular risks. Questions like, “What could be a healthy snack between meals?”, “Are sweeteners and sugar substitutes safe?”, “Cinnamon, fenugreek supplements – do these help bring sugar levels down?” were aptly answered by the experts. Also included were discussions to use food as an ally in our mental and physical well-being – with an emphasis to eat foods that promote health and wellness.
Seeing that our first mini health teleconference was such a rousing success, the WEF team is even more committed to bringing discussions around topics that engage, inform and elevate us all.
Diabetes is a chronic, debilitating health condition affecting scores of people worldwide, especially those of South Asian origin. The goal of this teleconference was to dispel myths surrounding diabetes, offer nutritional guidelines to manage the condition, and to explain food groups and portion control.
Nutritional experts, Sandeep Kaur, RD, CDE and Neha Bomb, MSc, RDN, offered some very important tips and knowledge backed by science – to combat diabetes and its associated cardiovascular risks. Questions like, “What could be a healthy snack between meals?”, “Are sweeteners and sugar substitutes safe?”, “Cinnamon, fenugreek supplements – do these help bring sugar levels down?” were aptly answered by the experts. Also included were discussions to use food as an ally in our mental and physical well-being – with an emphasis to eat foods that promote health and wellness.
Seeing that our first mini health teleconference was such a rousing success, the WEF team is even more committed to bringing discussions around topics that engage, inform and elevate us all.

Sandeep Kaur
Sandeep Kaur has been working as a registered dietitian for 10 yrs and as a certified diabetes educator since 2014. She works in an outpatient setting at an FQHC clinic and @ Valleywise health medical center as an inpatient Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). She has experience working with type 1, type 2, pediatric and Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM ) patients. Her focus is to empower people to manage their diabetes by providing them education, assisting in solving problems and addressing barriers to self-management.

Neha Bomb:
Neha Bomb has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for over five years and currently, working with The Nutrition Professionals, a woman run and woman lead organization based in Mesa and Phoenix. Her long-term professional goal, which is constantly evolving, is to be a Resource Person for Asian-Indians across the country on Diabetes Management and Renal Nutrition. She has previously worked for Not-for-Profit organization based in India and has been an advocate for Girls’ Education and Rights.
Listen to what Neha Bomb, a certified RDN , has to say about the condition of diabetes and how nutrition plays a crucial role in its management and regulation..