16 Mar Saranjit Saini
About Saranjit Saini
Saranjit Saini is a Founder Member and Trustee of Nishakam. She loves serving the community and attending the services.
In her own words:
I am a mother and grandmother..
I have Two daughters, both of them married and a son who is now in medical school. -
Present Title, Work:
Currently I am very involved in the management of Nishkam Seva Gurdwara Sahib. This has become my second home. I love serving the community and attending the services. It gives me strength and satisfaction of life.
I am Symbol of Strength because:
My strength would be my dedication and my commitment to the Gurdwara Sahib. Whilst building this Gurdwara Sahib, which is to honor my late husband Dr. Jasbir S Saini, we faced many challenges, which some of them seemed impossible at the time, but with Waheguru’s blessings and hard work we were able to overcome them. My faith in Waheguru strengthened even more during the construction. One example would be , when the building was only half done, there was a fire on the mountain behind the Gurdwara Sahib, (one of the challenges was that there was no water or electricity at the site), and the winds were so strong and heading downwards towards the building and the sparks were beginning to be thrown on the building which could have ignited the building on fire in no time. Myself and some members of the community were at the site. We kneeled and started reciting prayers loudly. Within minutes we saw the shift in the winds, instead of the wind blowing downwards towards the building it started to blow away from the building. We were astonished!! Even the Firemen were amazed!! One of them commented. “Wow your God is powerful!!!”
What made you succeed?
When my husband passed away in 2000, it was very difficult for me.. I was raising 3 children by myself and there were times when I used to just crumble. But with my faith in God and with the help of my close friends and family I slowly got myself together. My husband was very humble, had a strong religious belief and successful physician. So I used to utilize his strength to get me through the difficult days. I wanted him to be proud of me and I wanted to show him what I can achieve. Its very rewarding when I achieve and complete my commitments.
Most influencing personality trait you have (succeed or gotten into trouble!)
I am known to have a very big heart and I love helping people. I am and want to be a contributor to the community and society I can be very stubborn at times. On many times this trait has helped me to succeed because I will not give up. But it can also get me in trouble too!.
Challenges you faced during your success journey:
Whilst building the Gurdwara, I was told that this project is just too big and impossible to finish, and there is no way a woman can complete it ! I did not let nays get to me, instead I went deep in to my faith and kept at it , so with Guru’s Blessings it became possible.
Specific achievement/awards you want to share:
The completion of Nishkam Seva Gurdwara Sahib and managing it is the best achievement I have ever accomplished in my life.
Best Memory you want to share with:
The best memory is when my Son Chandan was Born. He is a beautiful Gift from God.
Also, every year in August, I honor my husbands anniversary by doing an Akhand Path at the Gurdwara Sahib. This gives me immense satisfaction and brings me closer to Waheguru. -
Your message to all women:
When ever a challenge or difficulty presents itself, always believe in yourself and go within and connect to God. The universe and the higher source is forever ready to help.! I always put my Waheguru first. My faith is EK TUHI and SATNAM. (my car plates ) !!!!