16 Mar Minaxi Dhirendra Patel
About Minaxi Dhirendra Patel
Minaxi Dhirendra Patel is a retired Medical Office Administrator. Former president for GCA (Gujarat Cultural Association) and IACRF (Indo American Cultural & Religious Foundation). Married to Dr. Dhirendra Patel. They organize so many Indian cultural program and fundraising events for indian community. Minaxi Patel is a proud mom of Nishant and Nakul.
In her own words:
My name is Minaxi Dhirendra Patel. I was born in Karamasad, Gujarat, India. I have eight sisters and 3 brothers. I am youngest in the family. In childhood I lost my father. Married to Dr. Dhirendra Patel. I have two boys (Nishant & Nakul). Two grand kids (Niam and Bellamy)
Present Title, Work:
I retired as Medical Office Administrator in July 2015. At present I am doing volunteer work with Same medical field.
I am Symbol of Strength because:
I always like to help other. My mother raised me with love and hard work and always support me helping other people. My husband always supports me.
What made you succeed?
When we started our business, we always had big question that we will succeed or not. Shree Mad Bhagwat Geeta says do your work and leave results in god hands. My husband is a doctor and when we moved to Arizona, it was small business office to treat cancer patients. We bought the business and started to build up practice. I learnt so many things in Medical field. At that time, I did not know “I am a strong woman”. Experience make me strong and so many key people in my life help me to make me stronger.
Most influencing personality trait you have (succeed or gotten into trouble!
My strong influencing personality is speaking from bottom of my heart and sent message to the community with love and caring
Challenges you faced during your success journey:
Without challenge there is no success. The key is to believe in yourself whatever you want to achieve, work hard and treat everyone with respect and dignity.
Specific achievement/awards you want to share:
I was president for GCA (Gujarat Cultural Association).
I was president of IACRF (Indo American Cultural & Religious Foundation).
We organize so many Indian cultural program and fundraising events for our community. -
Best Memory you want to share with:
I moved to Chicago from India first time in USA. Lot of cultural and so many things to learn and doing so many little mistakes and laugh. Best Memory is now I have two beautiful grandchildren and whenever we have time we visit them frequently and have lots of fun.
Your views about Women/Women Empowerment:
Great platform for women to share ideas.
Your message to all women:
My message to all women is just do what you do and don’t wait for the result. Hard work always gives you some good experience and experience make you perfect. At present time all women should have equal rights and opportunity and if you see any discrimination you should always take stand and fight for it.